Wednesday 27 May 2009

Thoughts about work....................

Well not a lot of them today because apart from going to work and doing a telephone interview not a lot has happened today. I managed to process 105 mandates between 11 and 4.15 which included 45 minutes of breaks and apparently is more than good for a beginner. Also did masses of batching before 11 and felt exhausted by the end of the day.

Then came the interview. I am not too sure about this because although it is customer service it is dealing with child care services ie babysitters and childminders. I am not sure about this one tomorrow either as it is so far out and I cannot drive. I do wonder why I am going out there again except that they want to see me. As I have said before I like what I do now and its fun now I am getting to know everyone. The money may not be brilliant but its better than nothing at all and to me keeping my brain ticking over is far more important. The job I have now needs a lot of accuracy and I am good at that.

I don't miss insurance at all. I know this contract runs til April and then I may have to look again but if I can continue doing this for as long as possible I would be happy. I have just worked out that the money for the child care services post is about the same as what I am now so why change if its not going to make a difference financially.

I know money is not everything. If money was no object then I would have a house built in Westward Ho! which is my favorite place ever. I'd learn to drive and have a car that was nice and easy to manage but big enough for all the kite gear for trips away. I'd visit Australia to see family and New Zealand to see friends and the kite beaches over there. Oh I can dream..................

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