Thursday, 14 May 2009

Homemade Pizza and other thoughts

Well I did pizza for tea tonight. My lot love them because they can pick and choose what they want on them. I like them because I can make them diet friendly. I love trying to adapt things so they are good on the diet but sometimes they don't work that well. I am not the worlds greatest cook but I like to try.

I had a quiet day today. Apart from doing the school run I have been no further than the paper shop. I get fed up with going out and about all the time and spending money we have not got on bus fares. I wish I could drive sometimes. It would make life so much easier. But then again parking can be a nightmare and in some places cost a small fortune. Still I managed to apply for a few more jobs and him indoors has been working from home too so did not get disturbed too much.

It rained today as well. The one day I put three loads of washing on the line and it chucks it down. So now I have wet washing all over the place and no hope of airing it outside if the weather is anything to go by as it is due to rain all weekend. Not happy about that as SEKA have an event day at Lordshill in Southampton on Sunday and I could do with getting out and flying. I like Lordshill. Wind can be a bit lumpy but it is bigger than Baiter so that has to be a plus point. Kristie is working in the evening this Sunday and can't go but thats life. Ryan will love it though.

Talking of Ryan its his birthday on Monday. No party as its an expense that we can do without at the moment but he has got some nice presents to come. He is also getting a special day out to do with one of his favorite subjects, trains. He does not know about this yet though.

Enough waffle for today. Oh Except that the Poole Pirates beat the Lakeside Hammers last night........woo hoo we are on our way back at last.

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