Friday, 8 May 2009

That was not supposed to happen

The funding to continue the temp job was declined so its back to the search again. Not impressed but the agency this has been done through is going to pull out all the stops and try and get me something else.

Apart from that today has pretty much been a non event. Nothing has really happened and it was the usual sort of Friday. Food shop, do the Euro Lottery, home then tea and read the online job sites. Its weird how you follow a routine for what seems like forever. Ever since I can remember the shopping has always been done on a Friday night.

Going Kiting tomorrow. Wind is looking good and as long as it does not rain we should be ok. I really need to get out and fly. I have a 2.5 Rage in Pink. Yes I know its very girly but I love it. It is the kite that gave me confidence after my rather severe knee injury three years ago. As I said before I am accident prone. I have fallen over non existent objects, my own feet, and that is just for starters. The kite accident was something that was a bit freaky but just the sort of thing that would happen to me anyway. What did not help was that everyone laughed at me when it happened. Though I can see the funny side of being hauled over by a 3 metre Ozone Samurai whilst wearing kite lillers now. Never known pain like it though.

Think I will take the camera out with me too. That is my other real passion after kiting but it was the injury that really got me into photography as I was out for a year. I love just being able to point the camera and getting the picture. Sometimes it takes a bit of work to get it right. Other times it can be as easy as anything. I have my website for posting the pictures on. More about that another time though.

I find writing this is very theraputic. I loved writing as a child and won an award for a poem I wrote once. I must try that again and post some here.

Oh well tomorrow is another day and lets hope the weather stays good. Will try and work out how to post some kite pictures on here after tomorrow's session.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Well that was a funny sort of day

It started off sort of ok and got better as they day went on. It looks like my temp job with the local authority is going to be extended for another week (more money coming in thank goodness) after we found another absolutely huge box of unmatched paperwork. I've enjoyed doing this even though its not what I normally do. I also got asked to apply for a couple of jobs within the department I have been working in which I have done. I await the outcome. Also been applying for other more permanent jobs to see what the market is like at the moment. There are jobs out there but there are so many people chasing them.

Think I'll talk about the diet next. I have been trying to lose weight for years. Ever since Ryan was born to be honest. So far in the past year I have lost two stone. I am not after a specific weight, I just want to be the dress size I was before I had kids. Then I'll be happy. I have been doing Slimming World this time and it works. Like anyone else I have off weeks, but most of the time I end up losing a pound or two. Even him indoors is finding it beneficial. He is the only male in our group and likes the way it works. I just need to exercise a bit more I think.

Oh and if you want to know why Seaweed Beach...................I live not far from the sea, love powerkiting on the beach and most of the local beaches have some seaweed on them. Actually I could not think of anything that did not relate to any user name I have else where. Its strange really. I live near some of the nicest beaches in the UK but you cannot powerkite on the beaches, only kite surf off some of them. And that is one thing that you will never catch me doing. My eyesight won't let me anyway but I think it would send me into a state of panic if I got out of control, and besides which I doubt if I could get a wetsuit to fit me.

Just thinking. That gives me another incentive to lose weight. May be if I lost weight and felt more confident I could give it a go.

More from the random mutterings of a mad Mum tomorrow.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Random Thoughts

Ok so where do I start. Oh I know at the beginning!

I've not really done an online blog before except sort of on the website and that was very intermittent, .so this is my first real attempt.

This is going to be bits about me, my life, thoughts on things that happen around me and my family and also my campaign to lose weight and how I deal with my depression. I also hope it will give you an insight into some of my hobbies as well.

Some of my thoughts can be a bit random from time to time. I have a tendency to do stupid things like falling over my own feet now and again for example.

So to start - I am a married Mum of two who works (alibi temping at the moment) live on the South Coast and have a passion for Power Kiting, Photography, Speedway and Music, actually I will listen to anything except for Jazz and Country................prefer Rock and that sort of thing.

I am very much a thinker rather than a doer if that makes sense. I tend to think about something and then do very little about it. That is one of the things I need to change about me. Along with a few others. More about that though in future thoughts.

And on that note its good night. Its been one heck of a long day.